Monday, August 18, 2008

Birthday Party!

Last night Corey and I went to my cousins 13th birthday party. Oh my gosh! Why does everyone have to grow up it is so not fair. Joshua is going into 7th grade and going to the same Jr. high that I went too. It's funny that I know half of his teachers. It was a great party, there was family there that I haven't seen in years! Even the mosquitoes had a good time, they sure know how to crash a party!

1 comment:

Kami (tayo) said...

Love the blog!!! Thank you so much for coming lastnight! It really meant alot to Josh to know that so many people care about him!! It was so good to see you moving around so much better!! I hope we can be Sociology study buddies and hopefully have some classes together next semester! You're the best! love ya!