Thanksgiving for Corey and I was quite the adventure. We went to Nebraska with Corey's parents to spend the holiday with their family. Just to let everyone know that is one long and oh so very boring drive. We made it there safe and sound and spent the day sleeping, shopping, and eating Runza's (a nebraskan tradition). The next day was Thanksgiving and so Sue got started on dinner since Grandma was still off her feet from a knee replacement surgery. That night we traveled to Lincoln (we were in Omaha) and stayed at Aunt Kelly's house and of course we went shopping Fri morning at 6 am and got some killer deals. The rest of the day was filled with Nebraska Husker football. We went tailgating (even got tickets to the exclusive Budweiser hospitality tent (all the free food we could eat and live band) then it was game time. Corey and I had never been to a game and so we got to have the tickets that were behind the Husker bench on the 5th row. They were awesome! Thanks Craig and Kelly! Of course Huskers won (lol) but it was also a treat cause we got to see Larry the Cable guy (he was standing on the field watching the game right in front of us.) What an amazing day. We left on sunday morning and ended up getting stuck in Cheyenne cause they closed the road due to snow. So we hung out there for a few hours and then we were on our way. I caught a terrible cold right before we left on the trip and was pretty miserable the whole time but I did my best not to whine. LOL!
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10 years ago
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